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Professional Learning Opportunities

We strongly believe that


Professional connections with like-minded colleagues support educators of young children in their commitment to children's well-being.


Seeing the difference a caring educator can make, strengthens our commitment to share the message that one relationship can make a difference in the life of a child.​


Thus we continue to provide a range of social and emotional workshops, either virtual or in-person. The length of the workshops vary from 2-3 hours.


The following sessions are currently available.



Building Empathy for Caring Relationships     


Research shows that positive, caring, and respectful relationships are the foundation for optimal learning, development, health, and well-being - and unhealthy relationship patterns have a long-term impact. We know that children thrive in environments that are safe, nurturing, and predictable. To achieve this, intentional planning that is focused on social-emotional learning is essential. In this session, we’ll talk about strategies and resources that enhance emotional intelligence and self-regulation skills. Areas of focus include self-regulation, communication, awareness of one’s own and others’ emotions, and problem-solving strategies.


Participants will see how this interrelated learning creates the conditions for the development of empathy.



Strategies to Support Children's Emotional Intelligence


The foundational element for emotional intelligence is a supportive and caring relationship. This is where educators play a large role.


Educators assist children with noticing and labeling their feelings. They positively reinforce children who use words to describe how they are feeling. They also help draw attention to how a child’s peers are feeling. In an early years setting, opportunities for enhancing emotional literacy occur daily. When educators model and help children express feelings and recognize others’ feelings, children start to develop positive social skills such as perspective taking, empathy, and emotional regulation.


Participants will learn strategies to assist children in becoming aware of their own and others' emotions.




​Social Skills for Play Based Learning


Social competence is a complex interaction for children and they need to have the tools to interact effectively. Social competence matters for many reasons. In the short term, it helps children enter play and provides foundations for building relationships. Educators need to remember that not all children have had the same experiences or opportunities. This can be a lack of emotional security, experience with materials or with group play. Educators play such a key role in how they can support children through tips on entering play, modeling, and co-regulating with children as they learn and grow.


Participants will come to understand the different levels of stress children experience during play, and the value of intentional strategies for educators to use to support play interactions.



Behaviour is Communication -

How to respond to Children's Strong Messages


Young children may have limited self-awareness or emotional intelligence. Therefore they often express their strong emotions and internal stress in behaviour and interactions. We have a new understanding of the role stress plays in challenging behaviour. When dealing with strong emotions and reactive behaviours, we need to see beyond the behaviour and understand how to help, by providing calm co-regulating support, validating and teaching emotional literacy, coaching self-regulation, social skills and problem-solving strategies.  By doing so, we can build the foundations of resilience and well-being.


Participants will come to see the essential role of their presence as a co-regulator and coach of calming strategies.







Our cost is dependent on a number of factors. Please contact us.​


If you are interested in arranging any of these workshops for your educators, please contact us. 

We will get back to you within two business days.





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