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Resources that Guide
Evidence-Informed Practice


The Center on the Developing Child’s R&D (research and development) platform, Frontiers of Innovation (FOI), supports scientific research that can inform the testing, implementation, and refinement of strategies designed to achieve significantly better life outcomes for children facing adversity.

The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) is a professional membership organization that works to promote hight-quality early learning for all young children, birth through age 8, by connecting early childhood practice, policy, and research.

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The Encyclopedia is a reliable and easy-to-use reference tool, a unique and free resource of the best knowledge on early childhood development. It is intended for service providers, service planners, policy makers and parents. Most topics are explored from three perspectives: development, services and policy and the papers gathered under each topic are written by internationally renowned experts.

Founded in 2011 by Dr. Stuart Shanker, The MEHRIT Centre is Stuart's Canadian-based organization dedicated to understanding how we all respond to stress in the same way: we thrive when it is positive, we struggle when it is excessive.

The MEHRIT Centre provides training in Shanker Self-Reg®, including the 5 Steps (Reframe, Recognize, Reduce, Reflect & Restore) & 5 Domains (Biological, Emotion, Cognitive, Social & Prosocial) of Self-Reg. 


Led by Dr. Michael Ungar, the Resilience Research Centre has collaborated with local, national and international institutions for more than 15 years to carry out innovative research that explores pathways to resilience across cultures. That work focuses on explaining how children, youth and adults thrive in family, school, workplace and community settings under stress.

With a long history of working with high-risk children through education, research and the dissemination of innovation, CTA's insight remains online as a shared resource.


The College of Early Childhood Educators regulates Ontario’s early childhood educators in the public interest.

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